21 June 2006

Week 2: Tuesday/Wednesday

Hey Gang - not much to report right now. I did decide to have my heel looked at yesterday as one area was not healing properly. I am on something called 'profile' for the next few days and allowed to wear sneakers and not run (bummer there, but we haven't been doing any in PT this week, so ok so far). I just wanted to be sure I'd be able to fully participate in Sat-Wends field exercise we'll be going on this week - I hear we'll get to rappel the Victory tower - I CAN'T WAIT (or miss that!). So here are some pics (to the left are the offending footwear):

It was one of the women's birthday, so we all went out to dinner - we almost got all the women at this CHOBC - just missed one!

We do this 'bus' thing from time to time - can you pick me out? (I'll give you a hint, I'm on the left in the camouflage uniform...)

New friends: L-R: Ola and Kitisha.

Well, I'm outta time - thanks for rooting for me, I sure appreciate it! Stay in touch!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am thrilled to find another CHOBC blog. And this one by a female! I knew out of seven of you, at least one had to be a blogger.

I've added your site to my lists of Chaplain blogs at squidoo.com/chaplain and gentlewhisper.com/chaplainblogs.

Thanks for writing about CHOBC. Now I'll know what to expect.

My family and I will be praying for you.