05 September 2008

Here We Go Kids...

****For those of you looking for more pictures - I am posting ALBUMS on Facebook - it's a faster load time than here - so most pics in the future will be there***
Dear Friends
Well, I have finished my training here at Ft. Jackson and have officially graduated from the officer basic course. It’s been a stressful last few days and lots has been happening in general the last few weeks. I suppose the biggest news is that I will be deploying with a Hawaiian National Guard Battalion to Kuwait for a year! I am very excited about my first mission with the Army and am going though many of the feelings and preparations I have gone through in the past as I’ve prepared myself to be in foreign counties.

This assignment came up about 2 weeks ago and the details have been in the process of working out ever since, with details and plans radically changing daily; it has stretched even my flexibility. While my unit is from the great islands of HI, our training will be held here on the mainland, so alas, I STILL don’t get to go to HI. *sigh* It sounds like they’re a great bunch of guys and I’m enormously looking forward to meeting them. It looks like we’ll be in the US for a few months training up on the details of our mission then head ‘down range’ together in late OCT, early NOV.

I’m experiencing a mix of emotions right now and feel very aware of the transitions I’m in. Mostly I feel glad and affirmed. The Lord has guided my steps all these 17 years of following him right up to this moment. I feel very aware of how each step lead to the ones that bring me here today; how beginning to think about how my youth group was run after just being a Christian for a few months, to taking my first tentative steps to lead and care for others in my college fellowship, to my first overseas mission project, to becoming and IV staff person, to joining the Covenant, to delivering my first sermon in an African church, to leading my first mission project, to moving to Denver, to taking my 1st Oath of Office, to graduating from seminary, and now, to graduating from an Army Officer basic course…wow. In some ways, I feel like I'm going through a type of 'ordiantion' from each memeber of the Trinity - Seminary was from the Father, this school was from the Son and the one from my denomination will be from the Holy Spirit...

One of my classmates asked me the other day if I felt prepared to be going down range. I just laughed and told him, ‘no.’ I have learned enough to understand that we never know what we think we need to know before embarking on a great journey with the Lord; there are reasons why he asked his disciples to take nothing with them on the road. I told him that in following the Lord one must learn to trust more and more and that it’s not about what you bring – no matter how great or valuable it may be – but it is about what the Lord will bestow on you as his beloved child and faithful servant as you look to him on the road he has asked you to walk.

I feel very blessed. I have an amazing contingent of colleges in the Chaplain Corps; I really do grieve leaving here because they made such a great community even in just the short time we were here. I’ve also been reflecting on my training. I feel like I’ve done nothing but train for the last 4 solid years. The other thing I have been feeling is… sick of training – how much more can I do before I become no earthly good? This is also a good sign to me that I’ve healed a lot from my last time in ministry and am indeed ready to get out there again and see what the Lord will use me for.

I don’t have an address yet, but I’ll post it ASAP. In the meantime – here are the PRs for the month:
- The biggest PR I have is that I’ll get to attend (and be prepared for) my Ordination interview 20OCT-22OCT; there is a slim possibility I can make it. This would open the possibility of being ordained next summer in the Evangelical Covenant.
- In conjunction with that, please pray that I am able to get leave 21-28 JUNE 2009 to come back and be ordained – again a huge leap, but God can do whatever he wants!
- I would love prayer for my time right now – I’m stuck at Ft Jackson for 3-25 days doing I-don’t-know-what. Pray that I get out of here quickly so I can start meeting and working with my unit at Ft Hood.
- I need about a 10 day window before I go down range so I can sell my truck and meet with some folks back in Denver to get my life the rest of the way arranged. Please pray for the timing on that and that I DO get the time.
- Pray for my unit – they are going through the normal pains of remembering how w deployment works and could use all the prayers and encouragement they can get – safety and health.
- Pray for me that I would be able to get done all they need ASAP and bond well with my folks.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ter,

Great update! You're on the mark -- God knows what He's doing with your life, and your trust in Him is the #1 essential thing in your preparations. "With the calling comes the equipping." God gives you what you need when you need it. Not to worry!

Sad but wonderful time today at Ruth L's memorial service. Her family were all here -- all the fast-growing grandchildren enjoying their time together as cousins. Marilyn, Janet, Debbie, and Eric got up and sang "Day by Day and with Each Passing Moment" a cappella, in harmony. Apparently they sang to Ruth a lot in her last days, so this was not a stretch. Very touching! And her life!!! What a Proverbs 31 Woman!! I found out things I didn't know previously. It was a true celebration of Ruth's life of service to her Lord, love of the church and her own family, and her tenacious support for Missions, at home and abroad.

Everyone will leave on Sunday and Monday, and Eric S. and I are going over Tuesday and have some Norwegian herring with Ken and talk some more. He's staying put for now, but may consider an "assisted living" establishment in the future. RI is his home, and Riverside church is his extended family, so he's not moving away.

Well, I do ramble on!

Love your pics and am enjoying Facebook a lot. It's a great way to be in touch with people.

You're going to have some more great adventures in Kuwait! So thrilled and proud of you!

Much love!

Anonymous said...


You are going to be an AMAZING Chaplain. God has been preparing you for such a time as this. You are going to be a blessing to your crew. I'm SO proud of you!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping me updated Terri. I'm glad to know what is happening with you and it seems like a great deal. I'm certain that God will use you as a catalyst of growth and a place of peace for the soldiers that you minister to. Praise God for using you there.
I suppose its appropriate to sign off with something like "hoo-rah!" but I'm not in the army, nor do I know how to spell the exclamation so let's just pretend I never tried. :)
God's Peace Terri,
Phil Christie

Anonymous said...

Kuwait is better than Iraq or Afghanistan, but since I have first-hand knowledge of how the Army works, that MAY only be a stopping-off point. Some prayers for you, indeed.

Anonymous said...

Hey Terri, great message and wonderful PTL! Thanks for sharing! Kip and Robin

Anonymous said...


I am definitely praying for you and am proud of you! God will use you in a mighty way for His glory as always!

Looking forward to hearing from you! Hooah!!!!!!



Jenn said...

always in my prayers, friend! you will be amazing in the the right place where God wants you! love ya, yetti

Glenn said...

Say "Blessings and Aloha" to all my bruddahs and sistas, especially anyone from Kailua, Oahu. Sorry you don't get to train in Hawaii, but the people are just as wonderful as the place. So enjoy them!
