Hey Gang! It's officially over!! (thankyouJesus) It was a good semester; though all the grades aren't in yet, I believe I pulled off a 3.0 overall. The last few days have given rise to reflection and refreshment. It has been a very streaching semester and time, but in a good way for the most part. There have been a few sleepless nights, but more over the transition into being a Coloraden and single here than over classes. I feel good about the work I did this semester and content in my progress with friends. I'm also profoudly grateful for my friends back in RI. Though I may not have gotten to talk to many of you as much as I would have liked, I have been happy and grateful for your friendship and support. I am between worlds and feel content in God's grip of grace.
I thought I'd share some nuggets I gleaned this semester, mostly though my Gospel and Acts, New Testament class with Dr. Craig Blomberg - you may know these, but they were (mostly) new to me!
- Paul wrote his Epistles before the Gospels were written
- The cursing of the Fig tree (When Jesus was entering Jerusalem) was an illustration by Jesus demonstrating the impending judgment and destruction of Israel
- Mark was written around 20 years after Jesus' death/ress.; which makes it one of the most reliable document history (most biographies about a famous person weren't recorded until hundreds of years after the fact)
- Luke and Acts were originally meant to be one continuous book/ presented together (and together they form a chiasm!)
- Paul was tri-lingual (Greek, aramaic, Hebrew) and wasn't afraid to contextualize the Gospel when necessary
- The feeding of the 5,000 was primarily to a Jewish audience; the feeding of the 4,000 was primarily to a Gentile audience (signifying Jesus' upcoming call to the nations)
- The healing of the deaf mute in MK 7:31-7 was meant to e a sign of the age to come where people would be healed by God and be able to hear and speak clearly
Well - hopefully that was fun! Over the break, I'll be doing odd jobs, resting and studying Greek to prepare for next semester. I'll be taking an interim class from Jan 9-20 and start the Spring the semester on the 23rd. I will be taking a more reasonable 14 credit course load. I'll be taking systematic Theology I (Jan 9th class), Sys. Theo. II, Greek 2, Epistles and Revelation, Mentored ministries (2 classes of this), and The Many Faces of Chaplaincy.
Praise God:
- For a successful semester academically
- New friends and community
- Old friends
Pray for:
- A restful break
- Good short jobs/projects
- Finances
- stregnth for the next semester
more reasonable class load? if that's more reasonable then i am in awe that you you didn't get carried off to the looney bin last semester! i'm praying for your strength...
Yay! Glad to hear your first semester went well. Those little factoids are very interesting...keep em coming.
Love Nat
PS I'll be praying for you
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